In Team Smokey-Locke camp, Jin either adjusts or has redressed the wound on his leg from Claire's bear trap. Smokey-Locke approaches him and suggests it would be better to leave the wound open to the air in order to heal faster. Smokey-Locke: team leader, mass murderer, and now first aid expert!
Jin asks about the names in the cave, and if Jack had said anything. S-L says he said nothing, and all the names were crossed off. All the names go together, and all of those listed on the cave wall must leave the Island together.
In Sideways L.A., Jin and Sun are in the LAX security office. An officer says under federal law they will have to confiscate the $25,000, since it was undeclared. The watch is returned to the couple. Jin tells Sun he planned to still to deliver the watch and money, as Mr. Paik asked.
"I don't ask your father questions," Jin tells her. "I do what he tells me."
When they check into their hotel, they have separate rooms for Ms. Paik and Mr. Kwon. They aren't married in Sideways World, and this appears to be their secret California rendezvous.
Back in Smokey-Locke Camp, Sayid tells the Gray One that he can't feel anything, can't feel any pain. S-L, still in a caregiver mode from counseling Jin, tells Sayid just to get some rest to get ready for what's coming.

After Fearless Leader departs, Jin starts furtively packing his things, which Sawyer notices, and naturally he wants to know what he's doing. Jin says he is leaving to go find Sun, whom he is convinced is somewhere on the Island. He'll check the temple first, and if not there, it's off to their original beach. Sawyer tries to convince him to stay and not take the risk.
WHAM! A rainfall of tranquilizer darts into everyone in Team Smokey-Locke, and down they all go. As the opening scenes were through night vision goggles, this does not seem surprising.
Zoe (Sheila Kelley), the Jungle Liz Lemon that Sawyer met over dead bodies at Camp Team Widmore two episodes back, along with Seamus the Former Child Star, enter the camp. They positively identify Jin and take him away, away to Hydra Island...
In Camp Team Jacob, Ben asks Ilana what they are to do next, and she says to wait for Richard's return. Ben has serious doubts about that, recalling Richard's comments about how they were all dead and in hell. Ilana emphatically repeats: they will remain in camp and wait for Richard's return.
It is mentioned that Hurley went out after Richard, and Miles quips that unless Richard was covered in bacon grease, there is no way Hurley could track him.
Sun is at the garden that she started in Season 1. Jack approaches her and tells her about the lighthouse and its glimpses into other people's lives. Jack has become a Man of Faith now, it is obvious, and he knows they have a reason to be on the Island. Sun says she doesn't care about purpose and destiny and tells Jack to go away and leave her alone. She wants to find Jin and go home.
In Sideways L.A., Sun and Jin are at the hotel. He repeats he will try to go deliver the watch as he was ordered. Sun mentions she is there with him not just to go shopping. She begins to unbutton the blouse that Jin originally told her close on the Oceanic jet, and soon she's doing a tease, undoing more buttons until she's just in her bra. A passionate love scene begins, and since this is network TV, there is a quick cutaway.
At Camp Jacob, Sun is still looking over her garden, when suddenly, like some monster out of the cornfield in a cheap horror flick, Smokey-Locke appears.
He says he found her husband and had promised Jin that he'd reunite them. He offers his hand to take Sun to his camp. Sun of course does not believe him and reminds S-L how he whacked everyone in the temple.
His excuse -- the people were lied to and were confused. He didn't want to hurt them, and they had been given a chance to go with him, but, well, they didn't take it.
"Please, Jin's waiting," he pleads again.
Sun breaks into a run, with the Smoke Man hot on her trail. Commercial break, and then back to the chase. Sun crashes into a tree very, very hard and is out cold. Ooowww!
In Sideways L.A., Sun and Jin are in bed together, content and peaceful. Sun says she has an idea. Why not run away? She has an account there in L.A. where she has been putting funds aside. Jin wonders if that were her plan all along. Sun asks if he is angry, and he's not, he loves her too much.
A knock on the door sends Jin to the bathroom and Sun to don her bathrobe. She pauses at some length in front of a mirror, an action we have seen every major Sideways character do this season. Her reflection is of a happy woman with a slightly optimistic outlook.
The man at the door is Martin Keamy, who tells her he's a friend of her father's. Ominous Lost music plays on the soundtrack.
On the Island at Camp Jacob, Ben tells Ilana that he found Sun passed out, and he didn't do anything. Ilana still does not believe him, and he says why. "Because you're speaking," she says.
Interestingly Ben really has been telling the truth, as far as I can see, during this season. It's the first time we have seen him consistently being truthful!
Sun wakes up, and she is talking Korean; like Sideways Sun -- no English! (But can Sideways Sun speak English? It's not been revealed.) Ben can't understand her. Some head bump!
At Camp Smokey-Locke, he comes back to find his people all tranqed. He revives Sayid and asks what happened. All he can say is they were attacked, and he doesn't know who did it. He also does not know where Jin went...
...And cut to Jin, who comes to in a chair in a big room in the Hydra Station. It's that infamous Room 23, where Alex's boyfriend was being brainwashed in Season 3, much like a similar mind reprogramming done on Malcolm McDowell's juvenile delinquent (also named Alex!) in A Clockwork Orange.
Jin tries the door, which is locked, and accidentally turns on the subliminal, hypnotic images on the screen. Realizing how mesmerizing that stuff is, Jin quickly shuts it off.
Zoe now enters with, "Now that was weird, wasn't it?" She says Jin should know all about it, since he had served with DHARMA. He tries to push past her, and without hesitation she tazes him.
Zoe continues ... she is interested in electromagnetic forces on the Island. She has an Island map from DHARMA, and the handwriting is a bit hard to decipher, but she thinks Jin can help her read it, as it was made by a Jin Soo Kwon, and that is him, isn't it?
Jin demands to talk to Widmore.
At Camp Smokey-Locke, he gives Sayid a gun wrapped in plastic and asks if he can swim. Claire wonders if her name is on the cave wall, and Smokey says no, but he still needs her at the moment but later there will be a seat for her on the Ajira jet.
She would rather stay on the Island. A bit of the old Claire emerges here, as she gets melancholy and says if she did go home, Aaron would not even know his own mother. Smokey-Locke offers surprisingly tender comfort. Claire asks if Kate is on the cave wall, and no, she is not either, but S-L needs her too because he is "three people shy" of those he needs to get on the plane to leave.
Once that is accomplished, "whatever happens, happens," says Smokey, rephrasing Daniel Faraday.
The man in John Locke's form is now more pragmatic, determine to leave the Island as much as Jack once did. More like Jack used to be. Smokey: mass murderer, team leader, first aid expert and potential Man of Science? Certainly the Man in Black is cynical, as he is one who believes any person can be corrupted.
Sawyer asks Smokey why he and Sayid are armed, and he says they're taking a boat to Hydra Island to get get Jin back.
In the best line of the night, he asks, "Can't you just turn into smoke and fly your ass over the water?"
Smokey said he if could do that, he would, but he can't, so the boat is the way to go.
In Sideways L.A., Keamy and his henchman -- it's Omar (Anthony Azizi), another mercenary from the freighter in the Island Time Track -- search Jin and Sun's room. Keamy asks about the money, and Sun does her "no English" routine. Keamy sees champagne on the bedside table, and eventually they find Jin in the bathroom in just his underwear. Keamy takes the watch, but there still is the issue of te money. Language barrier? Well, get "Danny's friend," the "Russian guy who speaks like nine different languages." Who is Danny?
Mikhail Bakunin (Andrew Divoff), the hardass guard from the Flame communications station in Season 3, is now the hardass translator/thug at Keamy's and Mr. Paik's service. He translates for Keamy. A plan is formed -- Keamy takes "Casanova" (Jin) to the restaruant, and Bakunin and Sun to the bank to get the money owed. Jin begs Keamy not to tell Mr. Paik that he and Sun were together. Keamy grins and says, "Your secret's safe with me." Yeah, right.
At Camp Jacob, Jack examines Sun, and the good doctor's diagnosis given to Ilana is a concussion, with secondary condition of aphasia, in which trauma affects the brain's speech center. Dr. Jack says that hopefully it will wear off over time. Is it a simple case of aphasia, or is Sun somehow connecting to her Korean speaking self in the the Sideways world?
Richard returns to camp and tells everyone to pack their bags and get ready to leave.
In the show's best scene, Smokey-Locke arrives at Hydra Island and approaches the security pylons Widmore's crew has erected. Seamus the Former Child Star (Fred Koehler) fires his rifle and tells him not to move. "Easy, friend," S-L says. "I come in peace."
Charles Widmore cooly steps up to the dividing line. It's like a confrontation of two seasoned gunfighters in the dusty main drag of an Old West Town, or two old lions cautiously circling and evaluating each other.
Widmore and asks S-L, "Do you know who I am?"'
"Charles Widmore."
"I know you're not John Locke. Everything else I know is a combination of myth, ghost stories and jungle noises in the night."
"I think you know more than that, judging from these pylons."
Widmore denies he is holding Jin.
Smokey-Locke quotes Charles back at him: "A wise man once said that war is coming to this Island. I think you just got one."

At Camp Jacob, Richard says they must go to Hydra Island and destroy the jet so that Smokey can't get off the Island. Sun may not be able to speak English anymore, but as everyone finds out, she still understands it. She calls Richard "insane" for wanting to blow up the jet. Her condition is much like some kinds of strokes, where the patient loses the ability to speak but still understands everything perfectly.
In Sideways L.A., Bakunin takes Sun to the bank to get the money, but they find out that Mr. Paik has emptied and closed out the account! Dad knows about daughter's secret love affair. Keamy and Omar tie Jin up in the restaurant cooler with lots and lots of duct tape. Keamy tells Omar since he's an Arab, why not get that other "Arab guy" -- Sayid. Keamy tells Jin that the $25,000 was supposed to be his fee "for popping you." Jin had he violated the cardinal rule of "keep your hands off the boss' daughter," so he had to die.
At Camp Widmore, Zoe and the chief are arguing. He is upset that Jin is there too soon, and that they had a "timeline" for things. Zoe says things like that can happen when a geophysicist is in charge -- herself -- and not a mercenary, yet another reference to Keamy. Widmore tells there it is time to get the "package" out of the sub and deliver it to the camp.
After Zoe leaves, Charles gives Sun's digital camera to Jin. It's loaded with pictures of Ji-Yeon, whom Jin has never seen. Jin gets misty eyed as he cycles through the pictures. A scene that equals the confrontation between Smokey and Widmore in its effectiveness.
"I have a daughter, too," Widmore says. "I know what it's like to be kept apart." He adds that if Smokey gets off the Island, everyone they know and love will "simply cease to be."
Jin wonders how this could be, and Charles says for him to come see the package.
"What package?"
"It's not a what, it's a who." Can you guess who? It's not hard, brother!
In Sideways L.A., Jin is in the restaurant cooler. He hears the conversation between Sayid and Keamy, and many gunshots. He starts making noise, which brings Sayid to the big fridge. Jin begs him not to kill him and says "no English" when Sayid asks who he is. He can say only "free" as he gestures toward a box cutter on a shelf. Sayid puts the cutter in Jin's hands, wishes him good luck and leaves.
Bakunin returns with Sun and finds everyone quite dead. Jin pops up with a gun and tells him to drop his weapon or he'll kill him. "If you had wanted to kill me, you would have shot me already," Badass Bakunin says.
A big fight erupts between the two, and Jin's gun goes off. Bakunin grabs a chef knife, giving me flashbacks to Glenn Close at the end of Fatal Attraction, and Jin shoots Bakunin -- in the eye. The Russian is Mr. Patchy again?
Jin hears Sun whimpering, turns and sees her on the floor, holding an apparent gut wound. Oh, no.
"I'm pregnant," she gasps. Double oh, no!
Back on the beach in Camp Jacob, Jack tells sun that he remembers back during his residency there was a man who woke up after an accident and couldn't talk, and just because he could not, did not mean he was unable to write. Jack gives her a pencil and pad and asks her to give it a try. She agrees to do it.
Jack says he checked the garden to see if Smokey-Locke was there, but he wasn't. However, he found a tomato, which he passes to her. "That's one stubborn tomato. I guess no one told it it was supposed to die." She takes it. "You're not the first person who told me to leave them alone."
He asks if Sun trusts him. She says yes. He promises that if she goes with everyone from Team Jacob to Hydra Island, he will make sure she and Jin get on the plane and go as far away from the Island as possible. He reaches out to her, and Sun takes his hand.
At Camp Smokey-Locke, Sawyer says to Kate that at this point they're screwed "six ways to Sunday." Smokey returns and says Camp Widmore denied having Jin. Sawyer wants to know where Sayid is. Smokey says Sayid is at Hydra to find out about the something that Camp Widmore didn't want him to see.
"I don't like secrets," smokey-Locke pouts and smolders.
At the sub dock at Camp Widmore, Sayid rises from the water like some mysterious monster. Zoe and Seamus are wrestling with the "package" and pulling it up out of the sub, and it is a he -- Desmond Hume is back! And he is very, very dazed, as if he's been under heavy sedation for days. As the two Widmore stooges set Desmond down on the dock, he wakes up and see Sayid. Desmond blinks his eyes in disbelief. A hallucination of Sayid? What is going on here? Sayid watches as Desmond is taken away, and ... fade to black.
Previews with bagpipes playing "Amazing Grace," and titles mentioning "a path is found." It is traditional to play that hymn at funerals for police and fire personnel, as well as those of Scottish or Irish heritage. Is someone major going to die next week, despite the cheery title "Happily Ever After" for Episode 11? Or we get pipes for the return of that awesome Scot, the constant, the man who can see the future, Mr. Desmond David Hume? Spoiler pages indicate that the episode will be built around him!